1. Let's get to know each other You are Female Male You were born on What is your professional situation? Full-time active Part-time active Without professional activity / Looking for a job High school student / Student Retired Other If other Do you live in the territory of Caen la Mer? Yes No If yes, specify the municipality What is the nearest stop to your home? What is your email address? What is your email address? Confirm email 2. Twisto services Do you use or have you used our Vélolib service? Yes No Do you use or have you used our Véloloc service? Yes No Do you use or have you used our Vélopark service? Yes No Do you use or have you used the Renault Mobility car-sharing service? Yes No Do you use or have you used the Twisto Access service? Yes No Do you use or have you used the Twisto Assist service? (assistance to guide network travelers) Yes No Your trips with Twisto How long have you been using the Twisto network? - Select -Less than 6 monthsBetween 6 months and 1 yearBetween 1 and 3 yearsBetween 3 and 5 yearsMore than 5 years How often do you use the Twisto network? - Select -Every dayAlmost every day1 to 2 times per week1 to 2 times per monthLess than once a month Which lines do you use most often? Tramway line T1 Tramway line T2 Tramway line T3 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Line 7 Line 8 Line 9 Line 10 and 10 express Line 11 and 11 express Line 12 and 12 express Line 20 à 23 Line 30 à 36 Line 40 à 42 Line Rédago Other lines On the Twisto network, you mainly travel with... A monthly subscription An annual subscription A ticket / travel reserve A free travel pass Others If others, please specify For what reason(s) do you usually travel on the Twisto network? (multiple answers possible) Work Sports - Leisure - Shopping School (high school, middle school) Studies (universities, post-secondary school) Administrative/medical procedures Others If others, please specify Do you use other public transport networks? (multiple answers possible) No Yes, the Nomad network Yes, the TER Others If others, please specify CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory