The Twisto bus network With its 72 bus routes, the Twisto network provides high-quality service to all the neighborhoods and key locations in the urban community. 12 Main Lines CAEN Chemin Vert <-> MONDEVILLE C. Commercial CAEN Mémorial <-> CAEN Beaulieu Brazza CARPIQUET Aéroport <-> IFS Jean Vilar HEROUVILLE C. Commercial <-> IFS Jean Vilar HEROUVILLE Sphère <-> CAEN Théâtre HEROUVILLE Saint-Clair <-> HEROUVILLE Saint-Clair CAMBES le Parc / BIÉVILLE ZA au Village <-> CAEN Théâtre HEROUVILLE Sphère <-> CAEN Poincaré SAINT GERMAIN Place des Canadiens <-> COLOMBELLES Mairie BLAINVILLE Parc / Terre d’Avenir <-> MONDEVILLE Charlotte Corday CUVERVILLE Champ Picot <-> BRETTEVILLE Koenig LION SUR MER Haut Lion <-> CAEN Gare SNCF From now on, every evening from 9pm, get off on demand on the following lines Learn more 3 Express Lines BLAINVILLE Parc <-> CAEN Bellivet CUVERVILLE Champ Picot <-> CAEN Théâtre LION SUR MER Haut Lion <-> CAEN Gare SNCF 10 Local Lines ROTS Bonny <-> CAEN Calvaire St-Pierre SAINT GERMAIN Ardenne <-> MONDEVILLE Village Oxylane LION SUR MER Plage <-> CAEN Calvaire Saint-Pierre / Tour Leroy CAIRON Château / VILLONS Norvège <-> LOUVIGNY Michelet CAEN Gare SNCF <-> MONDEVILLE C. Commercial TROARN Bures <-> CAEN Gare SNCF TOURVILLE Val d'Odon <-> CAEN Tour Leroy MATHIEU Sureaux / Le Londel <-> CAEN Calvaire Saint-Pierre SAINT-ANDRE Luxembourg <-> CAEN Lycée Fresnel ÉTERVILLE <-> CAEN Théâtre 3 On-Demand Transport Services: Twisto Flex, Résago and Flexo Pro Twisto Flex Service Twisto Flex: Travel anywhere you want within two sectors of Caen la Mer. Twisto Flex 1: Serves Rots, Thue et Mue, Saint-Manvieu Norrey, Carpiquet, Rosel, Thaon, and Le Fresne Camilly. Twisto Flex 2: Serves Castine-en-Plaine, Bourguébus, Grentheville, Ifs, Le Castelet, and Soliers. Résago Flexo Pro Résago 2 : COLLEVILLE-MONTGOMERY <-> CAEN Résago 5 : COMMUNES COTIERES <-> CAEN FLEXO PRO 40 : Connects the Espérance business park to Caen Poincaré. FLEXO PRO 42 : Connects the Colombelles industrial zone: Renault Trucks (no reservation necessary) Seven Nocti Flex evening zones and one Noctibus night service: Flex evening zones and one Noctibus night service: Flexo late night: 7 zones and two departures at 10:30 pm and 12:30 am on Fridays and Saturdays from the "Tour Leroy” stop Noctibus: Runs every 30 minutes starting at 1:00 AM on Thursdays and every hour on Fridays and Saturdays. Noctibus serves nightlife spots in downtown Caen and Hérouville St-Clair, as well as the largest student residences. 1 Downtown Caen shuttle CAEN Palais des Sports <-> CAEN Palais des Sports via le centre-ville de Caen 15 Nomad lines BIEVILLE-BEUVILLE La Bijude <-> CAEN Gare Routière MATHIEU Bourg <-> CAEN Gare Routière LE FRESNE-CAMILLY Le Bout Renard <-> CAEN Gare Routière VERSON Avenue du Parc <-> CAEN Place Courtonne ÉTERVILLE Le Rocreuil <-> CAEN Gare Routière ROCQUANCOURT Bourg <-> CAEN Gare Routière IFS Charité <-> CAEN Gare Routière MONDEVILLE Centre Commercial Sud <-> CAEN Gare Routière COLOMBELLES Lazzaro <-> CAEN Gare Routière THUE ET MUE Putot en Bessin Bourg<-> CAEN Gare Routière TOURVILLE-SUR-ODON Pressoir <-> CAEN Gare Routière TOURVILLE-SUR-ODON Pressoir <-> CAEN Gare Routière TOURVILLE-SUR-ODON Pressoir <-> CAEN Gare Routière LE CASTELET La Jalousie <-> CAEN Place Courtonne TROARN Stade <-> CAEN Place Courtonne 32 complementary lines The 32 School Service lines serve numerous public facilities and schools. They run mainly in peak morning and afternoon hours and do not operate during school vacations. Anyone can ride these buses, which are easily identified by their numbers ranging from 100 to 137.